tbody scroll

  • Pelle† 15 a

    ilma, et thead ja tbody erinevates tabelites oleksid,

    23. aprill 2008 - 11:58:27 · Otselink

  • nii mõtlesid?

    23. aprill 2008 - 12:30:38 · Otselink

  • Pelle† 15 a

    To see the effect of the scrolling table body, you will need to use a browser such as Mozilla. Other browsers that don't support scrolling table bodies will show the page normally, as if the style were never specified.

    a muidu tahaks nii jah

    23. aprill 2008 - 12:37:09 · Otselink

  • wuzz 15 a

    2 erinevat tabelit vaja teha, teisiti ei saa.

    23. aprill 2008 - 13:25:06 · Otselink

  • Pelle† 15 a

    seda ma tahtsingi teada.... tänud

    23. aprill 2008 - 13:25:50 · Otselink