Meedia Disain / animatsioon / video töötlus ja muu sarnasega tegelevad ettevõtted?
Tann 8 a
Sooviksin teada kui paljud ettevõtted Eestis / Tallinnas tegelevad animatsiooni, video töötluse ja graafilise disaniga?
Kui vaadata töö kuulutusi siis neid nagu eriti ei ole.
Olen ise töödanud IT alal üle 6 aasta ja samal ajal kokku puutunud regulaarselt kliendi teenindusega, kuid soovin eriala vahetada. Mulle väga meeldib graafika, animatsioon, VFX ja disain ja sellel suunal soovin ka tööd leida.
Loodan leida tööd kus on vaja kasutada Adobe tooteid ja muid sääraseid disaini programme.
Ma kahjuks ei ole seda alal koolis õppinud ja kõike õppinud omal käel. (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Houdini FX, Cinema 4D jne)
Õpin disaini ja kõike sellega seonduvat ka töövälisel ajal.
All on aga natuke Inglise keelset texti ja mõned pildid ja videoklipid. Otsustasin kontakteeruda e-maili teel kuna siia sain lisada ka pilte ja näidiseid.
Lugupidamisega Tanel. VPS! Keeled mida oskan on: Eesti, Soome, Inglise ja natuke Vene
My name is Tanel.
I am trying to find JUNIOR position in design work. (Note! I am willing to learn also off the working hours).
Avarage me is siting behind pc days and nights watching some educational video regarding Houdini FX and program functions. Same time computer is rendering some samples. (Saddly i do not have render farm at home so many samples i recorded with my broken phone camera and many of them are not high quality or short) LIst of animations and some samples are below.I have not worked ad designer before but i always had interest in designs, animations and visual effects (VFX).
Because i have not worked in this area in any company and i was unsure is my level of skill sufficient. (I of course have the will and interest to learn as my goal is to be able to do Jaw dropping effects and animations in future, and this is also my hobby), and this is reason why i d3ecided to write to you.
I have discovered that 3D animation, Motion Graphics, VFX effects and everything design related is my passion. I spend most of my free time in gym and at home learning Houdini FX, Adobe After Effects, Cinema 4D, Real Flow and also planing to learn ZBrush but main focuse is at the moment on Houdini FX.
I have also used Adobe CS (photoshop) and Illustrator but i am not 100% expert there.
Some of videos are old and and quality may not be perfect as rendering out also depends on hardware that i use. Adobe After Effects i started using years back when i discovered that i can do better effects there then in Adobe Photoshop and then i discovered that Adobe AAfter Effects is more like composition program (of course it has plugins that extend what this program can do) but then i decided also to learn one extra program for 3d models and animation
I tested out Cinema 4D and then tried also Maya but then discovered that Houdini workflow is good (Node based system) and then i decided to use Houdini and After Effects. (Of course i am willing to learn also Maya).
I also have used Adobe After Effects plugins
Trapcode Suite.
Here is link where they explain very well what is Trap code Suite
Also used VideoCopilot 3D version 2.2
Here is the list of animations and effects that i have created.
First 2 video clips (Created in Adobe After effects. Smoke animation)
Video below is created also based on same method that i used on smoke animation but different effect and there i created question to one forum:
This animation is created in After Effects (here is scroll forward and back animation many times to show the effec many times)
Video where i used Trapcode Particle effect
Here is one ongoing project in Houdini FX
Here is animation i did using Houdini FX and Adobe After Effects
Here is animation i did in Real Flow and Adobe after effects.
(Note resolution of object is low as i did render animation out low)
This 3D animation is done using Cinema4 D and Adobe After Effects
And here are my latest animations(note all animations are only samples as i have not rendered out full animation. Those were only for test purpose):
Black Mass ready:
Here is sample where i show animation and Houdin FX more in detail (Note noise at start of video is because my phone camera is damaged and i decided to record animation fast using phone)
And here is project i am working on at the moment:
I recently finished watching 18 hours of tutorials related to:
01. Introduction and Project Overview
02. The User Interface
03. Desktops and Projects
04. Creating and Transforming Geometry
05. Using The Interactive Transform Tools
06. The Handle Tool and Viewport Arrangement
07. The Network View and Understanding Contexts
08. Further Understanding Contexts
09. Importing Geometry, Display Modes and the Parameter View
10. Understanding Scene Scale
11. The Tool menu and Value Ladder
12. Making Selections and Working With the Edit Node
13. The Edit Node in Practice
14. Basic Modeling Tools
15. The Poly Extrude Tool
16. Ghosting Objects and the Polycap Node
17. Simple Expressions and the Blast Node
18. Poly Bridge Tool
19. Features of the Poly Bridge Tool
20. Spine Shape, Pairing Shift, and Bridge
21. Sub-dividing and Edge Loops
22. Using Expressions to Animate Wheel Rotation
23. Editing the Parameter Interface
24. Duplicating With the Copy Node
25. Understanding Attributes
26. Adding Vertex Normal Attributes
27. Adding UV Mapping Attributes
28. Adding Materials Using Groups
29. Advanced Group Creation
30. Applying Materials
31. Visualizing and Editing Groups
32. Lights, Camera, Mantra
33. Tweaking Existing Principled Shaders
34. Customizing the Generic Principled Shader
35. Merging in the Set Geometry
36. Animating With Keyframes
37. Animating Without Keyframes
38. Working with Initial State Velocity
39. Creating Functional Collision Geometry
40. Using the Friction Physical Property
41. Using the Bounce Physical Property
42. Preparing the Scene For Dynamics
43. Adjusting Bounce and Friction
44. Pre-fracturing Geometry
45. The RBD Glue ObjectEvery week i am searching new tutorials and educational videos from Youtube and Vimeo and also decided to upload my new animation videos to Vimeo instead youtube in future as youtube will tear down video quality.
Below is also some samples.
If you hyave position in your company for me i would be honored.
I hope my e-mail does not go to trash can and you are interested hiering me and giving me a chanse.
And yes i know that there is no job add currently anywhere in CV online or CV keskus. But i do not think that there will ever be Houdini job add in estonia.
Best regards Tanel.V+372-590-60152
22. september 2016 - 12:21:19 · Otselink
Tann 8 a