Loo lahe logo ja võida €500

  • Kuulutame välja võistluse geniaalse ja silmapaistva logo loomiseks!

    Varsti- varsti on plaan avada Londonis väike kuid tugev kohvi koht. Ja siis veel üks ja siis veel üks, nii et Sinul on võimalus võita raha ja saada kuulsaks Londoni tänavatel. :)

    Tegemist on põneva konseptiga, nimelt on hetkel ehituses spetsiaalne kolmerattaline sõiduk Piaggio, mille peale paneme viimasepeal espresso masina ja hakkame värskes õhus pakkuma ülihead ja stiilset kohvi. Nimi on mouse tail (vaata alt poolt selgitust) ja otsime iseloomulikku logo!

    Panen siia kirja natuke infot, mis peaks andma ülevaate, mida me täpselt teeme ja ehk natuke inspiratsiooni ka pakkuma. Loodan, et on ok kui kirutan järgneva inglise keeles:


    mouse tail is going to operate an independent outdoor mobile coffee stall at Canary Wharf- a proven concept in London market, but with a distinguished difference- true passion to deliver outstanding quality coffee.

    mouse tail is dedicated to mastering excellence in coffee making and turning it to street fashion for everyone to enjoy. With the focus on quick service and convenient location, our coffee stand will be handy to regular early morning commuters as well as to other bypassers in a need for a caffeine kick.
    We take our training very seriously and our baristas have genuine interest in coffee. With shared knowledge and inspiring passion we can promise to deliver consistently excellent product with mouse tail -like style.

    mouse tail customers are coffee lovers who know what they like and why, and can make the difference between good and not so good coffee. If not, then this means that they have not had the opportunity to taste great coffee yet and this is about to change. For the first time, such high quality coffee made by skilled and experienced baristas is so accessible- right on the street! Until now the coffee lover would have gone to a specialized independent coffee shop, but mouse tail brings the passion outside to be shared with everyone.
    The main target group is divided to two- firstly, early morning commuters, who are in hurry to work and would appreciate a coffee stand just next to Tube- saves time, is convenient and might just make the difference in their day! Second group is nearby office workers, who all tend to take their brakes at the same time. That is when all local coffee shops fill up with clerks who just wish to pick up this cup of coffee and have a cig before returning to desk. This group of people are generally very knowledgable and appreciate high quality products in all areas of life- consequently mouse tail coffee fits with their style and as an added bonus, it is conveniently located in fresh air.

    mouse tail will be open weekdays from 7 am until 6pm and weekends 9am till 6pm. No matter whether it is sunny or raining cats- we will be there to bright up the morning, give the much needed after-lunch energy kick or wake you up before getting back home.

    The main objective of mouse tail is to feed our passion and deliver excellent standard service and products and to maintain/ improve the quality throughout the operating period and thereby grow the business to 5 locations within 2 operating years.

    Our microvan is unpretentious and the site comes across as honest and homely, straight to the point (or should we say cup!). The products that are used are sustainably sourced and we recycle whenever possible.
    mouse tail emphasizes on stimulating word-of-mouth marketing and uses all tricks of social media

    • Experienced, enthusiastic hands-on management and well-trained staff
    • Product quality- the coffee drinks are crafted of the finest, natural ingredients, pursued with passion and perfection. The customer first recognizes the quality when observing the process of coffee making (dosing & tamping, pulling the espresso, latte art) and second time when taking the first sip. mouse tail means perfect coffee.
    • Excellent customer service- we do not just sell coffee. We are there to meet people and find out how we could make a difference in their day. Our barista can be quick as flash or smooth and chatty as Alan Carr.
    • Convenience- mouse tail sites are located in immediate distance from Canary Wharf Tube station, where there is a need for quick and high quality coffee. It is an out door café where it literally takes a minute to purchase a good quality coffee.
    • Stylish concept- We find it important that locals would see the need and be able to relate to the businesses around their homes. mouse tail is not a mainstream brand, it has personality and aims to add value to the location. mouse tail demonstrates attitude towards excellence and establishes relationships within the community, hopes to bring a smile to everyone who has a minute to stop.
    • Competitive price- it costs as much to make bitter and burnt coffee as good one. We do not charge extra for the skills and passion that you find in your cup.


    mouse tail
    In barista language ‘mouse tail’ is the fine stream of espresso that dribbles out of the basket- the perfect extraction of espresso. Shot typically drips when first pulled and within few seconds starts flowing evenly and has an appearance of a mouse tail. If you see espresso flowing like a cascade or just small drops falling suspiciously then you will not like what you get in the cup. If it resembles a mouse tail, you will most likely love it!
    It is only possible to pull the perfect espresso if your barista has grinded the beans perfectly, dosed the freshly ground coffee perfectly, distributed and tamped it down in the basket perfectly and applied just the perfect amount of pressure when pulling water through. That is how you get mouse tail.


    Simplicity is good but should not be too basic- has to stand out and have a lot of character;
    Important for us to pass on a message and feeling of the product via logo/ image;
    Should not come across as too rebellious.

    There are quite a few similar businesses on London streets and they all have kind of amateurish images. The coffee that they offer is equally crap (sry for the language :) ) Our aim is to break this spell and actually offer top-notch quality coffee from the little three-wheeler so it will be something new and we need to try to get the message across BEFORE they even try our products. What we want to project is quality, specialist, clean, quirky, loving what we're doing. So, positive and beautiful, professional, rather modern than traditional, rather expensive (definitely not cheap) but it's a tricky one as it should not look out of place (too elegant or exclusive) as after all it is outside on street.

    I would not refer to mouse tail in the logo as we need people to ask us -Why did you name the place like that?- There's no connection with actual mouse tail and we should avoid this link as much as possible. It is fine if that's what they initially think, as it comes across a little cheeky and quirky, but eventually we want to say that -hey, that's not what we meant! :)

    NONIII, päris pikk kirjeldus, kuid loodan, et pilt selge.

    TASUST: Kui valime välja Sinu logo ja otsustame seda kasutada, siis on tasu viimistletud töö eest € 500! Juhul kui selle võistluse kaudu sobivat varianti ei pakuta ning me tegelikult logot kasutusse ei võta, valime parima välja igaljuhul ja auhinnaks € 100. Aega 2 nädalat ehk viimane päev töö esitamiseks 24 juuli 2012.

    Saatke logo samplid ja küsimused mousetailcoffee@gmail.com
    võib ka helistada +44 755 296 1118

    Juhul kui saan logo, milles näeme potensiaali aga vajaks veidi muutmist, saadan feedbackiga tagasi, nii et tehes koostööd loodame leida geniaalseima ja sobivaima logo.

    Põnevusega ootama jäädes,

    10. juuli 2012 - 15:20:01 · Otselink


    • link Meie 3rattaline näeb algselt välja selline.

    • Hetkel käib tihe töö kasti ümberehitamiseks. Lahti hakkab käima külje pealt ja näeb üldse väga cool välja!

    Loe kõiki

  • Suur- suur tänu esimestele kiiretele logode saatjatele!

    Annan kõikidele feedbacki siin avalikult- andke teada kui küsimusi on.
    Läbiv joon kõikides logodes, mille olen saanud on kohvitass, mis annab edasi väga keskpärase ja iseloomutu imidzi. Tass on selline feature, mida näeb iga teise suvalise kohviku logos ning kui ta ei ole logosse kavalalt ja huvitavalt sisse disainitud, siis soovitaksin seda vältida. Üks hea kohvitassi kasutav logo ispiratsiooniks siin: http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/134124

    Panen siia mõned kohviga seotud lingid, kelle logod võiksid samuti ideed liikuma panna:

    Sellel agentuuril on mõned huvitavad ideed: http://limeshot.com/sydney/logo-design-portfolio

    Üldiselt tahaks veel mainida, et logo disainides võtke arvesse see, et meie eesmärk on saada üheks parimaks artisan kohvikohaks Londonis, nii et brand peab olema eriline ja logo ei tohi sarnaneda ühegi juba eksisteeriva logoga- ei tahaks küll kohtu case-i kaela saada :) Ma arvan, et peaks minema pigem modernset ja minimalistlikku, võibolla isegi abstraktset teed.
    Kuid siiski- oleme avatud kõikidele ideedele- parim tuleb nii kui nii ootamatu!

    Suur tänu veelkord ja jään põnevusega ootama uusi ja huvitavaid ideid. :)

    Parimate tervitustega,

    11. juuli 2012 - 13:27:57 · Otselink

  • kaups 12 a

    26. juuli 2012 - 17:36:10 · Otselink


    • Keegi ei ole ju kohustatud oma aega osavõtu peale raiskama, aga samal ajal annab see hea võimaluse nendele, kel huvi on.

    • +1

    Loe kõiki

  • Tere!

    Tahaksin tänada kõiki, kes meie väikesest Mouse Tail logo-konkursist osa võtsid ja vabandan, et päris kõigile tagasisidet anda ei jõudnud. Logo-otsing on minu jaoks esimene sellelaadne projekt ja konkursi idee sain oma kunstnikust sõbralt. Minu arvates oli tore anda kõigile loomeinimestele, kes osa võtta soovisid võimalus, et väikest lisaraha teenida. Võtsin ühendust ka mõne UK disaineriga ja kaalusin võimalust minna professionaalsesse agentuuri, kuid siiski otsustasin, et oleks kift kui meie logo oleks mõne eestlase tehtud- meil ju ikka omalaadne stiil! Sain siit ka päris palju tulevikus kasuks tulevaid kontakte, nii et ärge üllatuge, kui teiega mingi muu disaini-tööga seoses uuesti ühendust võtan :)

    Parimaga olen telefoni teel ühendust võtnud, kuid tagasihoidliku disainerina eelistab ta oma nime siin mitte avaldada. Välja valitud kavand pole päris lõplik logo ning läheb veel edasisse viimistlusse. Lemmikuks osutus kõnealune logo tänu sellele, et annab edasi meie positiivset ja iseäralikku karakterit luues samas professionaalse ja stiilse imago.

    Suur- suur tänu veel kord kõigile! Mouse Tail'i kohvihõng peaks Londonis juba septembrist tunda olema ja kõik, kes mulle oma ideed teele panid on oodatud ühele korralikule kohvile! Veel üks põhjus Londonisse tulla! :)

    Parimate tervitustega

    31. juuli 2012 - 18:00:54 · Otselink

  • Kas keegi võiks palun nõu anda kuidas ma parima logo siin kõigile avaldada saaks? (pdf fail)

    31. juuli 2012 - 18:02:21 · Otselink


    • Võid pildiks teha ning pildi urli siia panna :) Kui vaja, aitame

    • Thanks! Siin see on. :)

    Loe kõiki

  • Tere taas :) Lemmik Mouse Tail logo siin:

    Veidike vajab veel viimistlemist (fonti on plaan muuta ning ka vuntside ja rõnga kuju) kuid idee ja feeling on spot on!

    Tänud veel kord ja kõik kohvile! :)

    31. juuli 2012 - 19:14:36 · Otselink


    • Veiko sinu logo oli väga kift- täiesti oma stiiliga, aga everything abut mouse :( Selgitasin, et hiirega kui loomaga ei tohi pistmist olla..

    • Oleneb järeldustest, aga nvrmnd. Klient sai, mis klient tahtis. Kujund on muhe. Kõik on õnnelikud. Peace.

    Loe kõiki