Come work for Skype
Jaak 10 a
Join Skype Tallinn design team. We have:
- Interesting projects (from Skype for iOS/Android/Win to Xbox and TV's).
- Fun team - 7 designers in Tallinn, loads more in UK & USA.
- Good tech - yes, you can use Macs and iPhones in Microsoft.
- Nice working environment - comfy office, free lunch, no 9-5, international team.
Please send your CV & portfolio to or ping me in Skype if you have any questions, don't be shy. Enthusiasm and desire to learn is at least as important as experience and skillset.Thanks for your attention,
Jaak @ Skype design TallinnMail:
Skype: jaak
GSM: 501992213. jaanuar 2015 - 14:00:17 · Otselink
Jaak 10 a
Suures firmas võtavad mõned asjad kauem aega, aga lõpuks on meil ka ametlik kuulutus üleval, seega on veel võimalus kandideerida :)
Jaak @ Skype
ps. endiselt mail: & skype: jaak
06. veebruar 2015 - 12:14:11 · Otselink