Looking for developers - PHP and HTML
jannekalliola† 14 a
my name is Janne Kalliola, and I'm the CEO of Exove OÜ, a new Estonian subsidiary of Finnish LAMP development company Exove Ltd. We are now looking for PHP developers, HTML developers, and test engineers to kick-start our Estonian office.
Exove is one of the fastest growing web software development companies in Finland, and it focuses on open source platforms such as Drupal, WordPress, eZ Publish, Joomla!, and CodeIgniter. We have implemented the biggest Drupal and eZ Publish sites in Finland, and our systems are used worldwide, from Canada to New Zealand.
Our open positions can be found at http://www.exove.ee/toopakkumised/ and information about the company at http://www.exove.ee and http://www.exove.com
If you'd like to know more about the company, get in touch with me: janne@exove.fi or +358 40 558 1796. Job applications should be sent to jobs@exove.ee.
09. detsember 2010 - 20:19:22 · Otselink