Product + Design Meetupid
jkaljundi 7 a
Oleme käivitanud uue eelkõige tehnoloogiatoodete tootedisaini ürituste ja kohtumiste seeria: Product + Design Meetup. Lisainfo ja kommuun Facebookis:
Meie eesmärk on kokku viia inimesed, kes tegelevad eelkõige veebi- ja mobiilitoodete loomisega, olgu need siis tootejuhid, disainerid, researcherid või muud tootega seotud inimesed.
Ürituse formaadiks on eelkõige 15-minutiliste praktiliste case studyde ja tehtud praktiliste projektide tutvustused: mida tehti, mis hüpoteesiga, mis variante kaaluti, miks sellise lõpptulemuseni jõuti ja mis on õppetunnid.
Esimene meetup on Tartus SPARKis juba täna kolmapäeval 15. veebruaril 17.30 ja Tallinnas Lift99's esmaspäeval 20. veebruaril 17.30.
15. veebruar 2017 - 08:21:11 · Otselink
jkaljundi 7 a
Esmaspäevase meetupi teemad ja esinemised:
- Ürgo Ringo from Transferwise will cover their product management flow with topic: "Why We Stopped Delivering Features." Why is it so hard to focus on impact and not features? How we have learned to learn faster in our team?
- Elmo Soomets from Mobi Lab will talk about "Experimenting on mobile advertisements" and how they used ads in mobile apps to actually improve user experience, using the Fogg Behaviour Model.
- Eero Raun from Zoined talks about "Delivering insights to user's inboxes" covering the special area of e-mail based reports sent to users inboxes, the limitations and cool possibilities.
- Ksenia Viksne from Pipedrive will talk about "The Curious Case of Mobile Nearby" regarding one feature area of their mobile app.
- Jüri Kaljundi from Weekdone will talk about using chatbots and conversational interfaces for product onboarding, and the challenges and solutions Weekdone has had in onboarding users to their product.
19. veebruar 2017 - 10:43:40 · Otselink